Trade updates...
STI has been plunging....haha when i say this tink alot of ppl are going to kill me.....but I am happy....for a few reasons of cse....plunging simply implies more buying opportunities.....
Congrats on those who followed on HLG, ROWSLEY and BANJOO...the first 2 were good trades...but the 2nd one was not....but netting off the 3 and u shld get a pretty decent profit....
Those who followed on LC Phillipines maybe nursing around a 9% paper loss....but no's a UT....meaning a 10% is a vvvv good I will continue my BUY on LC some dollar cost averaging on those who already invested....
Going to issue some BUY signals now....LC Taiwan, Korea, Thailand, Malaysia, DWS Singapore, LC SEA (Medium term: target 10% by December)
For long term investing....Star Buy will be Infinity 500 and Infinity European Stock Index....
For the more adventurous like me....STI call warrants with expiry 30 Oct....take loss 30% take profit 50%...STI is abit oversold now from the charts....but it may be a technical be careful on the warrants.....The investors still wary of the Collaterised Debts Obligations (CDOs) exposure of the 3 major banks in Singapore....but UOB did well in their earnings and this should support the STI...
Good luck to all and Happy National Day!!
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