
Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Trade updates....Good Trade!!

Closed out on my STI Call Warrants at strike price 3500....good trade again...but it was a close shave...dangerously to my stop of 50% for the end closed it for a profit of 20%...decided to take the profit....

Used the $ from the warrant to buy LottiVision which specialises in lottery business...the fundamentals and technical analysis looks good and I believe the earnings are quite stable for its business...plan to hold this until the Xmas rally.....

This month and next mth will b a good time to ambush for the Xmas rally...ppl who followed on DWS SG, LC Phillipines and Korea shld be just having very minor Dec shld be having some profits just in time for Xmas shopping....

For ppl who followed me with the warrant trade, congrats and my advice is to convert the $ into UT or some stocks and hold till Xmas...

Good luck!!