If sitting down makes you shiver in 5min and lying down makes you get an backache within the same time, would you choose to sit or lie down? This is the "interesting" problem I am facing now..if you have a solution..pls drop me a msg...haha...
Beijing bus drivers seem to enjoy flying my aeroplane...waited for the bus today for nearly 45 min but they either din stop or it was too full to board..in the end froze at the bus stop until kelvin and chaoliang came out and shared cab wif them to Coke...totally numb when I reached coke..
Today got another impromptu presentation call...juz got out of the toilet and my supervisor pulled me into the conference room...really hate this kind of thing...i was juz like a tape recorder, repeating what i said last week...already got a very bad sore throat and still had to raise my voice to speak up...dunnoe wat is happening to my body lately...falling sick easily and feeling v nua...
my report is getting so long that I am struggling to see the scroll bar by the side...hope I can finish it soon..den it will be si kao ti and exams..by then all of you shld be enjoying ur hols..
already trying my best to keep my spirits up but something always has to happen to dampen it..
5 weeks to go and I guess it is goin to be a long cold 35 days...